Our display can cooperate with SquareLine Studio rapid development project,SquareLine Studio uses the same graphics engine as your product's software will do. Therefore you get the exact same appearance for all the graphical effects, animations, styles and the behavior of the widgets in the editor as you will get on the UI of a real product. In short, what you see in the editor is exactly the same as what you will see on the real device. Besides it's lightning fast to change between - Edit- and -Play- modes. It's not required to recompile the UI to test it. You can just go interactive -Play- mode in a blink of an eye. Due to a unique feature of SquareLine Studio, the parameters of the UI elements can be modified while the UI is running. It includes changing the properties of the widgets, styles or animations too. All these help to drastically speed up the development of the UI and let you evaluate a lot of concepts in no time.
SquareLine Studio supports exporting code in multiple languages. If you need full control over your hardware and need the best possible performance you can choose C/C++. If you value the flexibility and simplicity of a modern, very popular script language more you can also choose the MicroPython language which is a subset of Python 3.
As SquareLine Studio uses the popular open-source LVGL graphics library the exported code is fully open-source without any pre-build proprietary library files. Due to this every line of the code can be debugged, examined or even modified. It gives you a great control over the code-base.
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